Che cosa state ascoltando in questo momento?
Guest_pure white
Inviato 14 January 2012 - 04:03

"A Scattered Dream that's like a Far-Off Memory
A Far-Off Memory That's like a Scattered Dream
I Want To Line The Pieces Up
Yours And Mine".
"My Name Is Lea...Got It Memorized?"

Adotta un Personaggio KH anche tu!
Adotta un Personaggio KH anche tu!
Inviato 15 January 2012 - 03:56
The Fool I The Magician I The High Priestess I The Empress I The Emperor I The Hierophant I The Lovers I The Chariot I Justice I The Hermit I Wheel of Fortune I Strength I The Hanged Man I Death I Temperance I The Devil I The Tower I The Star I The Moon I The Sun I Judgement I The World
Inviato 15 January 2012 - 22:19
The Fool I The Magician I The High Priestess I The Empress I The Emperor I The Hierophant I The Lovers I The Chariot I Justice I The Hermit I Wheel of Fortune I Strength I The Hanged Man I Death I Temperance I The Devil I The Tower I The Star I The Moon I The Sun I Judgement I The World
Guest_D e v i l G a m e
Inviato 21 January 2012 - 22:24
The Fool I The Magician I The High Priestess I The Empress I The Emperor I The Hierophant I The Lovers I The Chariot I Justice I The Hermit I Wheel of Fortune I Strength I The Hanged Man I Death I Temperance I The Devil I The Tower I The Star I The Moon I The Sun I Judgement I The World
Inviato 22 January 2012 - 03:28
The Fool I The Magician I The High Priestess I The Empress I The Emperor I The Hierophant I The Lovers I The Chariot I Justice I The Hermit I Wheel of Fortune I Strength I The Hanged Man I Death I Temperance I The Devil I The Tower I The Star I The Moon I The Sun I Judgement I The World