Sono presenti anche dialoghi tra Naminè, Sora e King Mickey.
Quoto ciò che ha detto Ciel precedentemente, giusto per avvertirvi ancora una volta.
Vi lascio l'intera traduzione dal giapponese all'inglese:
sora: i get the same weird nostalgic feeling from you as i do with mickey
namine: its nice to meet u sora
namine: im namine, u dont know me but i know u
sora: um i dont really get it
mickey: sora, let me explain
there was a time when u lost all your memories
the person who helped you then was this girl here
sora: so namine was the one who helped me?
im sorry i dont remember
namine: its alright. your memories arent connected to only me
before that, your memories were scattered
the reason the bugs were born in the jiminy journal, that was my fault
mickey: what’re u saying?
namine: it all began… when sora’s heart was sleeping, a fragment from a far off memory
theres a sparkling ball of fun between them now
sora: this is my memory?
namine: no, this isnt your memory. its the memory of someone connected to you.
sora: huh? isn’t it weird there are memories inside me from someone else?
namine: right, that isnt normal. when i found it during reassembling your memories, at first i thought i had made a mistake.
namine: but i looked into it, this memory was probably in your heart. sleeping deep at the bottom of your heart.
namine: sometime, you must remember it. an important memory. also, a dangerous memory.
mickey: dangerous? why’s that?
namine: this memory, it holds a very deep pain. if it is handled recklessly, the pain in sora’s heart could cause it to break
namine: therefore i left that message in the jiminy journal so everyone would find a way of healing it
mickey: “we must return to free them from their torment”, you wrote that?
namine: when i was within sora’s memories, i erased that message
in that journal, the memories of everyones travels. memories involve deep connections, that influenced it
but sora and company’s memories were only scattered, it couldnt be erased
so in the same way, even though the message was erased, the memory recorded of it remained in the journal.
and it was read into the data world
mickey: but if the data was analyzed, even the memories, even the records were damaged by the bugs
namine: that… was also me. i caused it by adding in that memory… that pain to the data of the journal.
i thought i had found a method of healing the pain, but dwelling inside that memory was the deep pain that caused the bugs to be born and spread,
mickey: i see. we wanted to find out about the pain and we discovered that message,
namine: im sorry. i thought if i could i wanted to help on my own. the real me, since it doesn’t exist anymore.
sora; hey now…
sora: i dont really follow this story, but
namine: hehee
namine: its ok if you dont understand
you found a way to take care of the pain that had spread.
sora; i did?
namine: this sort of pain, if it was to be erased, it probably wouldnt heal. the sort of pain that cant be erased
while that pain took hold of you, you didnt avert your eyes, you endured it
one person couldnt endure it even though it was such a strong pain, someones heart connected and was able to undeerstand it
sora: … changing the bond, we’re enduring the pain together
well, let’s give it a try
namine: ?
sora: you found and investigated that memory. this bundle of memory, i wanna try and endure it.
namine: sora…
mickey: wait!
mickey: you wont be the only one to endure it, do it together with me
sora: right!
namine: thank you
namine: try coming in contact with it. if you do soo, your heart will flood with someone’s hidden emotions of this memory
mickey: lets do our best sora!
the screen flashes
sora namine and mickey are looking at the walls of the white room
images appear there
sora: this is?
the image on the right is roxas with his arms crossed on the clock tower
on the left is axel’s face
namine: the hidden truth… trapped deep inside sora’s heart
namine: it isnt the memory of the original sora, but the memory of those connected to him
the screen changes and on the left is xion, on the right is namine
sora: namine is there too… the oter one, who is that? i don’t know them, but they feel familiar
sora: … its really severe. this is the pain then?
namine: everyone is waiting for you sora. their pain can’t be healed without you.
namine: its the thing diz… when you were sleeping for a year, something secret within you.
the meaning of it, he wanted to search for but he said this was the only “compensation”
surely the key to saving everyone would be within sora
also, them too
the screen changes to terra ven and aqua
mickey: those guys!?
namine: maybe for you, their pain is something you can understand
namine: they are keys… connected to the truth of the keyblade’s existence
the scene changes to fmv cutscene
namine: also, those existences, right now are connected within sora
sora: i get the feeling i’ve met them
namine: thats right, you’ve met 2 of them before
namine: the other person, i don’t understand them though i can tell they have a very important connection
sora: yeah
mickey: maybe at a time you really had to remember it
namine: i don’t understand it
naime: but that point is definitely coming when it is necessary for them to awaken
namine: and the only person who can help them, is you sora
mickey: it means the key their bond becomes the key, doesn’t it?
mickey: i understand, namine
mickey: now i need to inform sora in the outside world
namine: yes, please do
namine: well
sora: wait a second
namine: huh?
sora: as for you
the me I dont know made a promise with you
namine: because even if i was gone, the promise sora and i made wouldnt be erased
namine: so for that this is my compensation
namine: i’ve hurt a lot of people
sora: but what will happen to the namine that is right here?
from here, what will happen to …
namine: i am only data meant to convey a message
namine: nothing is existing within this data from the start
namine: though my record from this will be erased,
the feelings of the message and the travel together, they’ll continue on in one person, in you
by doing so, you heal one more person, me
sora: for everyone connected to sora
sora: i understand, namine
namine: yeah
sora: so now
there’s just me
theres something i want to help namine with
thank you
namine begins to shimmer away into data
jiminy’s journal is show “we must return to free them from their torment”
eventually it flips to an early page saying “thank namine”
mickey: the truth of the 2 records connected to our travels, is finally closed upon
credits roll
afterward a scene of mickey writing in his library is shown
mickey: i wanted to tell you immediately.
there are memories asleep inside you
kairi is shown with the message in a bottle in her hands
mickey: those memory fragments connect to the future
sora opens up the letter and kairi and riku look over his shoulders
mickey: sora riku kairi
the truth surrounding the keyblade,
passes through numerous connections,
they’re inside your hearts
mickey is shown again in the library
mickey: sora
mickey: it all leads to you, everyone is waiting for you
mickey: the only one who can heal their sadness is you
mickey: its possible that the travels up until now
mickey: compared to the next trip may have been easy
mickey: everything thought to be accidental was really connected
mickey: the door to a new departure already seems to be opening
the end.
Edited by shiny` - 29/1/2010, 14:07